In my previous post, I showed an example of where the lack of higher-kinded types in .NET (both C# and F#) induces the need for code repetition. In this post I’ll show you how higher-kinded type support in Haskell allows for the elimination of this repetition.
First, let’s take our LINQ query and translate it into Haskell syntax. As a reminder, here’s the query.
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static IEnumerable<string> GetPurchaseLogs( IEnumerable<Person> people, IEnumerable<Purchase> purchases) { return from person in people from purchase in purchases where person.Id == purchase.PurchaserId select person.Name + " purchased " + purchase.ItemName; } |
Haskell Translation
In Haskell syntax, that translates directly to:
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getNotices :: [Person] -> [Purchase] -> [String] getNotices people purchases = do person <- people purchase <- purchases guard $ (pid person) == (personId purchase) return $ (name person) ++ " purchased a " ++ (itemName purchase) |
Remember “IEnumerable<T>” in C# is (for our purposes) equivalent to “[T]” in Haskell. Also “where” is equivalent to “guard”, and “return” is like “select”.
Haskell Use
Let’s use it in a full program:
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import Control.Monad -- our two datatypes from the LINQ/Rx example data Person = Person {pid :: Int, name :: String} deriving (Show) data Purchase = Purchase {personId :: Int, itemName :: String} deriving (Show) -- our select function getNotices :: [Person] -> [Purchase] -> [String] getNotices people purchases = do person <- people purchase <- purchases guard $ (pid person) == (personId purchase) return $ (name person) ++ " purchased a " ++ (itemName purchase) -- some examples main = do -- define people let alice = Person 1 "Alice" bob = Person 2 "Bob" -- define purchase records apple = Purchase 1 "apple" altimeter = Purchase 1 "altimeter" bayonet = Purchase 2 "bayonet" -- show notices on list print $ getNotices [alice, bob] [apple, bayonet, altimeter] |
The results:
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[ "Alice purchased a apple", "Alice purchased a altimeter", "Bob purchased a bayonet" ] |
Great! So now we can do LINQ-like queries in Haskell.
Higher-kinding things
But, remember in the previous post I said that LINQ is equivalent to a MonadPlus abstraction, which is a monad with filtering (where-clause) capability. And if you look above, you’ll see that getNotices also only uses the MonadPlus interface of the List class. So let’s abstract the type signature of this function.
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getNotices :: MonadPlus m => m Person -> m Purchase -> m String getNotices people purchases = do person <- people purchase <- purchases guard $ (pid person) == (personId purchase) return $ (name person) ++ " purchased a " ++ (itemName purchase) |
Note we didn’t have to change the implementation at all. All we had to do was to update the type signature to say “don’t limit me to a List, but rather allow anything that is a MonadPlus”. We compile that, and great, no errors!
An Example
Now, Haskell does not have Rx, but let’s test this against one of the more common monads, the Maybe monad:
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main = do -- define people let alice = Person 1 "Alice" bob = Person 2 "Bob" -- define purchase records apple = Purchase 1 "apple" altimeter = Purchase 1 "altimeter" bayonet = Purchase 2 "bayonet" -- show various notices on maybe print $ getNotices (Just alice) (Just apple) print $ getNotices Nothing (Just apple) print $ getNotices (Just bob) (Just apple) print $ getNotices (Just alice) Nothing print $ getNotices Nothing Nothing |
The results:
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Just "Alice purchased a apple" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing |
Awesome, so the same logic can be reused on List types *and* Maybe types, which cannot be done on .NET!
Going Crazy!
Now for a more complicated example, when looking at the documentation I noticed that STM
(Software Transactional Memory) is also of type MonadPlus
. What would that mean? Looking through the documentation of STM, you can find that when the guard
fails, the transaction retries until it succeeds. So it’s essentially a transaction that keeps on retrying not only until the execution was atomic, but also until the input data is what it wants. Great, how can we test this? Here’s a function I created to test it.
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main = do -- define people let alice = Person 1 "Alice" bob = Person 2 "Bob" -- define purchase records apple = Purchase 1 "apple" altimeter = Purchase 1 "altimeter" bayonet = Purchase 2 "bayonet" -- show notice on STM personVar <- newTVarIO bob purchaseVar <- newTVarIO apple forkIO $ do threadDelay 1000000 atomically $ writeTVar personVar alice notice <- atomically $ getNotices (readTVar personVar) (readTVar purchaseVar) print notice |
What happens here? The STM vars are initialized with incompatible person/purchase. So the guard fails, the transaction is retried (for the performance-concerned: it does not sit in a spin loop retrying the transaction, but smartly sleeps until either of the vars is updated) until the vars are compatible, and atomically
blocks at the second-last line. So then in another thread, the STM var is updated to compatible alice, the transaction completes, the notice is returned, and the main thread prints it out.
Can I think of a real-world use case for using STM this way? Well, probably not for logs, but maybe in a banking scenario where the transaction has to not only be atomic, but also ensure the account balance stays positive. That could be a topic for another post. But for now it’s just interesting to see how higher-kinded types allow one piece of logic to be used in so many completely different ways. I hope you enjoyed this exercise as much as I did.